Monday, July 28, 2008

Can you say...?

Sick of the movies yet? Tough, they are easy and capture all of Bethany's personality. These days it seems that her vocabulary is increasing on an hourly basis. It never ceases to amaze us the words that she can say and her willingness to try to say almost anything. As cute as that is most of the time there have been a few ocassions in the past month that it has come around to bite us in the butt. It's really quite amazing what a toddler can do to remind you to use nice words.

So, for those of you not sick of seeing one of the cutest little girls eva, here is a little sample of Bethany and her chatterbox ability.

Can you say...? from Ashley Stone on Vimeo.

Can you see why we are tired by the end of the day? She is constantly moving, and playing, and talking, and climbing. Somedays I feel as though I have spent my day at the gym or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW~! Little miss chatter muffin! That must be such a fun time. Uncle Scott is very happy that she said his name not mine lol.
haha oh well we love you all so much. can't wait to see you.