That's right, the girls have just GOT TO GO! Tomorrow morning, bright and early Bethany, Audrey, My Mom and I will pack into her truck and head out on a girls only holiday!

Back in the days when I was little every once in awhile my Mom would surprise me with a special treat of a night away, just her and I. They were times I waited for and memories I cherish, holding them dear and near to my heart.

As time has worn on, those times have fallen away. With marriages, children and life getting in the way we seldom take time together, let alone get away. Because we work together and see each other everyday, you'd think that the break we would need is from each other. But in fact it's quite the opposite. You see, we may see each other, but we don't get to be mother and daughters, grandma and flowers. We're boss and office assistant, there's a dash of family in there of course, but it's always peppered with work.

Speaking of work, life has been so very crazy that way for us. Corey's working his tushie off as is my Dad. And while they deserve a break too, it's not going to happen right now. So, a few weeks ago my Mom and I got to talking and decided, we'd take the kids away, during a busy time for our guys when we hardly see them anyways and give them (and us) those memories that I so deeply love.

So, I've packed, and re-packed. I have made lists and crossed them off, I've then made sub lists with categories, they too have their ticks and scratch marks and finally I have THE LIST, the one that I will read like the menu at ESM (Eastside Mario's dude, E.S.M!) and double check in the morning. I prayed with Corey and cried a little - it's scary going away, leaving him behind, but I'm not letting Fear control me, not any more.
Now, to show and off to bed. Where I will sleep fitfully, wake up at least twice to add to the list I keep beside my bed and then get out of bed before I want to, get the rest done and leave, with 2 very excited and special girlies, with my very best of friends.
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