So here we are - 2 weeks old. At times it feels as though we just brought her home and other times it seems she's always been here. The past 2 weeks have been quite the journey and I know it's only just begun.
With each passing day Bethany is becoming more and more alert. She loves looking around discovering each new object and shadow. There is no question now she knows her mom and dad and is taken with watching us. It's amazing how much you re-discover the world when you are looking at it through your daughter's eyes.
We are truely blessed with Bethany, she's a great little baby for us. She has her moments, usually around 8pm when she's just a little fussy but other than that she hardly cries. Bath time is something that is such a joy for our little family as she just loves the water. I have never met a baby more content to just hang out in the tub, lookin' around, sucking as much water off her fingers as she can. The only moment that may be a little less than joyful is when we take her out. Generally she squaks a little in protest. However if she all of a sudden gets quiet you'd better look out - she's gonna pee. So far we are very lucky she's only peed on the towel and the change pad but I'm just waiting for the day when daddy get's his own "bath".
Now all we need to do is convince her that sleeping during the nightime is a good idear and we'll have it made. For whatever reason she thinks 5am is a rockin' time to chill and have a gander at things. Oh well, at least she's not screaming.
So here she is, Mommy's little angel - at 2 weeks old.

Sigh.. adjusting to being at home now. Sending tons of prayers and happy wishes and thoughts to your dear little family. Missing you all but so happy you have such an amazing little girlie. Grammy loves her tons!!! Oh yea you and Corey too... tee hee.
Mom G
That second picture is soooo adorable! (not that the first one isn't cute)
I see so much Corey in her in thar first photo...the eyes and the little smirk! So beautiful. Can't wait to meet her. Take care.
Grama K said
You two are so blessed, I am so happy that we were able to come down and meet your absolute beauty of a daughter, and she sure is.... I am so going to enjoy the pics. and the odd time I am able to be there and hold her. God has so blessed me with a son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter so full of Love for each other, that it overflows to all who come into your life...The pics. are so awsome, looking forward to so many more...God Bless, Love grama K...
HI Ashley, steph Riemer here. Little bethany is so sweet and I can't wait to see her in real life. I am happy to hear that everything has been going well so far- and that I finally found your blog!!
So excited I stumbled on your blog via Angella's. We were so thrilled to hear of the safe arrival of Bethany Hope...I love that name & almost named my youngest daughter that! So congratulations to both you & Corey on such a beautiful addition to your family. We look forward to seeing you in church 1 of these Sundays so we can oohh & ahhh over that sweet bundle.
Well done!
Sue & Bob Brown
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