Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Scott & Chelsea

Here are the photos of Scott & Chelsea Stone's Wedding! Courtesy of my mom Jackie Gartner

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A Beeeuuutiful wedding, we had lots of fun and all the families came together to cellebrate Scott &Chelsea' s special day...considering the rain the night before, wow what a little mericle...the sun shone britely as did Scott & Chelsea, we are so proud and so, so lucky to have another lovely, strong, confident daughter to add to our Family Tree..I think my jaw and probably everyone elses still aches from smiling and laughing along with them.....from the moment that the wedding march quit with Chelsea half way up the aisle, her (now famous) giggle started and didn't stop I'm sure till she left the celebration, Welcome again, to our Family, and I am sure I speak for all of the "Families" (and to quote a very special person ("and I mean All of the Families" he he) we are so proud of you both, your obvious love and respect for each other, radiates from both of you and is the first thing eveyone mentions when they talk to us about the wedding.

Wow, Two weddings, in two years, to new daughters (I know first hand how presiouce daughters are )and hope and pray my own daughter finds a husband as loving and careing as Scott and Corey - I did try to match her up with Corey years ago....lucky for Ashley they were both to young... he he)

The photos are amazing cant wait to see more...

Now not to be pushy or anything, but......we cant wait for the next episode to begin......Lets see, I heard mention, Jade 'Precious' Stone.....Oh right that was me that mentioned it....all in good time....

Sue and Dad