So, basically a week after I posted about still wearing my "small fat pants" I had to give in and go maternity clothes shopping. It's not that I couldn't have probably made them work for another month and I will probably wear them on occasion around the house because well, they are baggy and comfy. But they aren't flattering, there were only 2 pairs that fit and 3 shirts. That kinda leaves a girl with a really limited wardrobe. After spending that week feeling frumpy, lousy and ugly I decided that my self-esteem and this pregnancy deserve better. I still in fact at almost 5.5 months have not gained what I did with Bethany and I'm proud of that. I also am slowly coming to the realization that I can't be pregnant and not gain something. I lost it once before and I'll do it again, so for now I'm embracing the belly....kinda :)
You know what I discovered all over again?
Maternity clothes are great! They are comfortable, generally cut to be flattering and definitely make me look like I'm a little pregnant not just packing on winter fat.
Know what else?
They are stupid expensive! Good thing the in styles right now are longer shirts, because I can avoid paying $49 for a t-shirt by shopping in regular people stores. Not that pregos aren't regular but you know what I mean.
Thanks to my PartyLite business and a very lovely gift from Mom and Dad, I am on my way to having a more work and life appropriate selection of clothes. Now I can feel sorta hawt again for my husband. You know in that chubby bunny kinda way.
See for yourself, below I am "modeling"* one of my new outfits - 21 weeks and 2 days pregnant.
In other news, Bethany is finally starting to understand that there is a baby hiding in my belly. Up until this past week when anyone asked her if there was a baby in my tummy she'd say "No Way!". And look at them as if they had just sprouted a third eye. But the last few days she's been saying, "Sister" as in Big Sister, because we keep telling her that she's going to be a big sister when her baby arrives.
And then today she walks over to me, lifts my shirt, points to my tummy and says, "Baby". And then gives me a big hug and says, "Huggg, Bay-Bee, awwww" Aww is right!
She also decided tonight at colouring time after supper that she'd put on some "make-up". And proceeded to colour her chin green. Funny? Yes. All the rage in Paris? Probably not. Going to happen again? Who knows, she's quirky like that.

Bethany: "Sarah"
(Sarah is her doll/best buddy)

"She's not really mad Sarah, she knows we're cute!"
* I'm using the term "modeling" in a very loose fashion. Just like Paris Hilton uses the term "singing" losely.
I liked this post. Ash, you make me laugh!
You certainly do look hawt in your new preggo clothes, even though to me, you still BARELY look pregnant! And you are more than halfway! I do agree that preggo clothes are expensive, but definitely money worth spent so you feel good and not frumpy.
And what a cute kid! Love the face she is making at her doll! She certainly has personality!
Hey Ashley,
You are so beautiful, and your,(our granddaughter)daughter is so taking after you. Corey is so blessed to have you as part of his wonderfully developing family...I love the pics. of you and Bethany...God bless you all,Love Mom Kimmie
You look absolutely beautiful!
Hey Kiddo... awesome picture!!! You look amazing. Your body is doing just fine and so is little Rosebud. So smile in your prego clothes... believe it or not one day you will wish you were having babies again..maybe not the pregnancy itself, but the time in your life you are in right now. So...sigh and smile when you see your little tummy. Bethany, oh my girl... you are so cute. You and Sarah sure are good friends.
Hugs and loads of Love
Mom/ Grammy
Hey Kiddo... awesome picture!!! You look amazing. Your body is doing just fine and so is little Rosebud. So smile in your prego clothes... believe it or not one day you will wish you were having babies again..maybe not the pregnancy itself, but the time in your life you are in right now. So...sigh and smile when you see your little tummy. Bethany, oh my girl... you are so cute. You and Sarah sure are good friends.
Hugs and loads of Love
Mom/ Grammy
Looking good Ashley! By that point I looked like I'd swallowed a beach ball so I am envious of your lovely bump ;-)
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