So we're moved in, and mostly unpacked and our phone/internet is connected, ahhhh. I can't say it's a complete "ahhh" feeling, there are still a few rogue boxes beconning to me that they need some attention and there are piles of this, that and the other thing needing homes, but mostly, we're done. And the best part about those boxes and piles is that we actually have the space that with some creative organizational skills (which generally require me to put the procrastinating princess on hold) they will have a home! Do you understand what that means?
It means for the first time since I've left home, I will have a home. A place were we are settled, things have a place, I can have company, host dinner parties, play in the yard....a home.
This place is so great, it's a cute "little" farm house. Now I say little because from the exterior it looks as though it's a small little house, from the inside however we've got more space than I know what to do with. We've got around 2000sq/f. 3 bedrooms down stairs, a large living room, HUGE kitchen with tons of cabinets, it's an old farm kitchen style, more storage than one family needs and then a super big bonus room upstairs and another bedroom that is now my office. HOORAY FOR SPACE. The property is about 1/2 an acre, with 8 fruit trees, a big garden that come next summer I will plant something in (once I conquer that fear of being......dirty) and so much room for Bethany to play. And the kicker is that there is a shop attached to the house for Corey. He's so excited to have a place to monkey around on all his truck stuff, store his Bike, just have guys space. You know guy space, it's where they can work, scratch sweaty places we don't even like to know exist and just generally be. It is also the space that I can wash my hands of, close my eyes and pretend doesn't exist aside from it's storage purposes. In all reality, Corey's a pretty neat and tidy guy, it'll be rather organized, and potentially the cleanest shop in town.
Can you tell we're happy? I'll have pictures later, I'm a dork and when I took them today I didn't realize I had my ISO set wrong and they all turned out rotten. I'll try again later, when I'm in the mood to clean again. So, next year sometime, ok?
In other news, we were at Women's Hospital in Vancouver on Thursday, having the big Ultrasound. For each pregnancy that we have (which in this case will be 2 - Bethany and Rosebud) our doctors send us to Women's for a specialized ultrasound around the 20 week mark. I have a heart condition called Dextrocardia - which basically means that my heart is located on the right side of my chest as opposed to the left. For me I've been ultra blessed and it's never caused any major problems. But because of it there is a chance that one of our children could be born with a congenital heart defect that would require immediate attention upon their arrival into this world. To be prepared for that we do this ultrasound to make sure things are as they should be and where they should be. A cardiologist checks it out and then the genetics team documents us for research purposes. (Fortunatley for us, they don't require you to wear rat suits with lab jackets and run on a wheel at Women's....just answer a few hundred questions.) After an hour long ultrasound we were reassured that our precious little one is fine, no problems and the only time they'll want to see us again is if we are prego. Alrighty then, we'll see you a week past NEVER - don't plan on doing this again.
So, another 19 weeks and we`ll be meeting our little Rosebud. My belly is starting to grow and change, and although I`ve only gained about 7lbs my clothes are tigher and I`m having to retire the skinny jeans and pull out the smaller of my fat pants. I`m still trying to deny the maternity clothes until 6 months but we`ll see who wins, my ego or my belly.
And because I know you`ve missed her a picture of Bethany noshing on a cheesy to brighten your day.

Glad you are all moved in, it sounds fantastic, can't wait to see pictures.
And noshing on a cheesy, she was!
come on girl, embrace the maternity clothes. Your belly will thank you. And you can breathe! Did you not pop out majorly fast with this baby compared to Beth?
Can't wait to see pictures of YOUR HOME. What a blessing. And about the dirty dirt ... I'm so with you. :)
It sounds so great this place you are in now, and sounds like you are all adjusting really well. We can't wait to see this place and you all. I love the pic, she is so cute and cheaky...Love you lots, Mom and John
Hey Sista dearest,
Home sounds awesome can't wait to see it!
Glad to know Rosebud is healthy and growing. Bethy is cute as ever and I can't wait till our next play date!
Uncle Scott and Auntie Chelsea send tons of hugs and Kisses
to all of you
Your home is so sweet. We are so thankful for you that you have found such a nice place. Love ya...and oh yeah...Bethany is a sweetie and so photogenic!! I love that picture
Love Mom and Dad / Grammy and Papa
Sounds like a great new place.
Love the photo!
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