Like I mentioned before this past weekend we had Scott, Chelsea, Chloe and Travis down for the weekend. Corey is a happier man when his family comes to visit and we thoroughly enjoyed having them here. The weekend was spent 4 Wheelin' , having a big bbq with babies coming out the ears, visiting and laughing until I literally cried.
Bethany loved having her Uncle Travis here to play with and was thrilled that "Chloe Babe" was finally having a sleep over. She of course enjoyed Uncle Scott and Auntie Chelsea too but Chloe was her highlight. Although she didn't play much with her, she talked to her bunches, asked where she was all the time and has talked of very little since they left.
Each time we see them we miss them a little more. I'm going to keep this short and sweet today, but here are some of my favorite photo highlights...

Bethany learning to blow not suck like a straw....she had a nice mouthful of bubble solution

This kid is so super smiley just like her Momma, she hardly cries.

We really had such a wonderful weekend with them all. I'm so glad the weather is better and travel for all of us is becoming easier. Hopefully, it won't be so long before we see them again. Thanks for coming guys and thanks for some of the photos Chels.
Oh and pst....if you're hear and you're reading - leave a comment please! We know ya'll are visiting, so now all we need is to know who you are!
First, I LOVE the amount of hair Anneka had!!! I had to laugh because it was just so darn adorable. Thanks for showing so many pictures of your weekend together. It looked like it was a blast.
Enjoy our wonderful weather :)
I visit your blog 'n I am entranced. The very essence of your writing is beyond description. The way that you describe the moments in time that you share as a beautiful God given family exudes personality 'n warmth. Thank q for allowing us to be a part of the Family Stone!!!!
To see Cory so loved... fullfilled...respected by the great gift of you, Bethany 'n Audrey warms my heart!!!!
I wish his Grandma "Vivian" was here to share in this....
With respect 'n love
Dave 'n Karie Hay
Oh all those adorable babies! you are making my ovaries hurt :)
These are great pictures.
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