Monday, June 8, 2009

The Greats

As I mentioned before, this past month my grandparents were here in Chilliwack visiting us. For just about a month, my Mom's parents, my Grammie and Pa were staying at Mom and Dad's. For as long as I can remember we have looked forward to their visits. My Grammie and I hold a bond that very few grandmothers and granddaughters can say they share. A connection and a closeness that I'm told has been there since birth. One that I see in the relationship between Beth and my mom and one that I hope blossoms between Audrey and Mom too!

I love having my Grammie around. Her gentle personality, love for me and my children and her INTENSE dedication and love for the Lord make her a true blessing. She was instrumental in my learning to knit, a skill I keep in very good practice, she has dried my tears, laughed at my silliness, listened patiently as I've chattered her ear OFF and prayed for me harder than anyone else I know. And now, to add to that incredible love I have for her is the new relationships she's formed with my girls. It's so wonderful to see my Beth playing beside her or watching her talk with Audrey and coo over how cute she is!

And then there's my Pa. Bethany's Great Pa, a guy she's still talking about. He made my girls these beautiful Chaise lounges (photos to come) and rocking chairs. He drinks endless "cups of tea" while Bethany serves and tells stories that will have you laughing to tears. I mean seriously, that guy was TROUBLE when he was younger. One day I will post some of my favorite stories because his antics rival those of Don Knotts and Tim Conway.

Anyways, here are some photos from their visit here. Some I've already posted but they deserve the attention again. It was a lovely visit, we love them so much!

Bethany and Great Grammie posing for a shot, awww.....

See folks, this is where the attitude really came from. I asked them to clean up the toys and Grammie does this, Bethany could only follow suit....Not listening?

Seriously, guys? The toys? Oh really, too tired eh? Nice matching 'tudes!

(I'm kidding, sort of)

Bethany serving Great Pa. Oh how she loves his attention!

The Greats and Audrey.

I love the contrast of old and young. And the fact that there is so much of my Grammie in Audrey's little face.


Anonymous said...

What a blessing it is to have such closeness with your grandparents and your girls to have it also. I am so very happy that you and Corey met and have made such a beautiful family together. We love you so very much, may God bless you abundantly. Love John & Mom Kimmie

Anonymous said...

Oh those pictures are so sweet!!! Great Grammie and Great Pa love you all so much. I know they are missing those two little angels. Hoping to have them back here in the fall.
Love ya dears
Mom / Grammy

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Gosh the two babies look a lot alike, that is so neat to see cousins resembling each other like that.

Looks like a fantastic time and here's to making it an annual event!