As time wore on our friendship seemed to drift further apart as quite often happens with friends. But it never was lost. We may not see each other often or spend much time together but when the time is there, the visit is good. And it was so good to see her happy this weekend. Donny is a great guy, a man after Corey's heart (he's a mechanic too - woot for mechanics!) and a man who loves my friend very, very much. Even if he did say without her bridesmaids "She'd have definatley been a bridezilla *laughs* You have NO Idea how true that is" that's a direct quote. I'm pretty sure he was shot with a few million ice darts over that one. Haha.

Anyways, I didn't get any wedding party shots but I did get good family shots and a cute but lousy quality video of my girl dancing. We also managed a quick sneak into Kelowna on Sunday for a visit with Scott, Chelsea and Chloe.
This'll have to be good enough it's Monday, we traveled all weekend and between laundry and exhaustion I've got nothing more.

Wedding Dance from Ashley Stone on Vimeo.
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