Monday, March 8, 2010

Push - Facing Labour and Delivery, Head on!

I've been published again!  I wonder sometimes, as more articles go in and the opprotunities come and change if I'll ever stop being excited about having something I've written published, somewhere other than here.

For as long as I've been verbal (which if anyone is counting has been about 25.5 years, I was talking at 18 months...a lot) or maybe since I could write, I have had dreams of writing.  Of it being not ony passion and my emotional outlet, but also my career and my mark on this world (some of that has changed, while I'd still love to leave a literary mark on history, I've left the two best footprints in my beautiful daughters).  And while I know those dreams will fade away joining the ranks of becoming a popstar (because they don't let people refered to as "Ma'am" be a popstar, it doesn't work that way...) and learning the inner workings of the male brain, I can still enjoy the small pleasures of my workings going up, being published, somewhere else.

So, without further adieu, here it is - Push - Facing Labour and Delivery, head on!  Go on over and take a peak, leave a comment there or here and tell me what you think.  How was labour for you, or how do you feel about it?  Or if you want, you can pop over to Mamapedia's Facebook page, that way you can interact with the other moms who have something to say!

ps. I will announce the winner from the contest later today or tomorrow morning.  It's been a crazy weekend, with details to follow but I just haven't got around to the winner part yet!


Auntie Sue said...


Anonymous said...


Love Mom

Anonymous said...


Love Mom

The Smith's said...

I really enjoyed that post Ashley. It has definitely calmed my nerves for getting this bebe out of me in August. I have definitely heard too many horror stories about other peoples labours that I wish I hadn't heard ever because they have freaked me right out but it is good to know that I only have to do what is right for me and my bebe and that I can blame my husband when the time comes :) But thank you for sharing your heart as I greatly appreciate it!

Kimmies said...

Ashley, you are so talented and blessed. I truly love your writings. Keep up the great work.
God bless you all.
Love Mom Kimmie