Monday night was my very first solo Candle Party! This meant that Corey and Bethany had a "Daddy Night", and after a wonderful show, that went surprisingly well (I will tell you the story another time), I came home to find a very happy Corey, a sleeping Bethany and these cute photos.
"Seriously what is it with you people and taking pictures while I'm eating?"

Bethany loves to be outside but as you can tell, don't touch her ball.

Darling pictures!
Yay for your first party:-)
Hey Corey great job on the pictures! Bethany, you smile and the world is a better place. \
Love you Sweet Pea
Love Grammy
Cuuuuute too Corey and Grandpa..
Hope you're feeling better!! Adorable pics. :)
As usual I have the cutest neice EVER! Thats right i do. Hope you are feeling better and I will have to make it down for a candle party!
Love you all
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