Sunday morning, far too early, Corey, Bethany and I loaded up the car (read: Corey loaded the car while we sat and picked out the best toys to bring), piled in and headed to the Ferries - Victoria bound! Corey's boss had given him two extra days off because of Canada Day and we decided it was high time we went on a family vacation.
We've been away before but it's always been to visit someone or to attend some event. And as fun as those times are for us they are usually very busy trying to see everyone we miss, and go everywhere we are needed and it's not restful or focused on our little family. So, at the last minute we were packed and off!
I love Victoria it's a beautiful city, with so much history, the beauty of the ocean and the convenience of being able to walk almost everywhere. I've been there a hand full of times, it's where Corey and I spent out honeymoon but I have to say I think this trip was the most fun we've ever had!
When we arrived Sunday, Corey was so excited to discover that we had come in time for him to see the Tall Ships. They are a festival of all the different historic ships, either originals or replicas from the past - like Christopher Columbus' ship! It was so very hot, but we slathered on the sunscreen and headed down to the water front.
The photos aren't great, but it was tough to get a good shot because there were so many boats in the harbour. Watching Corey look at them was worth standing in the heat, he really does love his watercraft! Our hotel was only a block from the harbour so on Monday morning we were even able to watch them raise the sails.
The rest of our time there we spent walking, going into fun little shops, shoe shopping (mommy didn't have sensible summer walking shoes so we went to 7 different shoe stores to find some. Bethy and Daddy were so patient. By the end Beth was so bored that she was singing to her self - so cute!), going to the beach and to the petting zoo.
I could write for hours but instead, I'd rather post a video and some photos and let you see for yourselves.
On the Ferry, Bethany was so excited to see all the people and walk on the outer deck. Far, Far, Far away from the edge because Mommy is paranoid. Playing at the beach we saw lots of puppies out for swims, this is Bethany "talking" to one of them. She threw rocks and more rocks and more rocks into the churning waves. We thought Bethany would enjoy her ride a little more than she did. When the horses had passed us the first two days we were there Bethany got so excited, but she was very unimpressed that her ride meant she could hardly see the horse and that we had to go so slow. The best picture I could get of the two of them. Somebody didn't want to co-operate She's turned into quite the Daddy's girl. Hardly wanting to be far from him the whole trip. She'd rather have been playing with the rocks than posing with Mommy.
I Would have loved to have gone and seen those ships!!! I am soooooo jealous :) Looks like you all had a blast. Love the video ;) Thought Bethany looked extremely cute with the pigtails, and had to have a laugh at Corey's quick reaction to the wave.
Looks wonderful, glad you had a great time! I've never been to Victoria but now I want to go even more than before :-)
I Would have loved to have gone and seen those ships!!! I am soooooo jealous :)
Looks like you all had a blast. Love the video ;)
Thought Bethany looked extremely cute with the pigtails, and had to have a laugh at Corey's quick reaction to the wave.
Victoria is awesome! My sister lives there :)
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