We were watching old movies of Bethany on YouTube (this is our YouTube page) and I couldn't help but look on in wonder at the dramatic difference, my baby is gone. She's been replaced by a sweet, loving, rambunctious and sometimes tempermental toddler. She's learned the word NO and it's proper (although often consequence inducing) application. She loves her sister, gives hugs and cuddles and is facisnated with trains, trucks and cows. She's also my singing dancing little star.
And in the other carseat, sits my tiny baby who's already at about the 14lb mark, not quite 3 months old and moving in to 6 month sleepers because she's so long and changing faster than I remember. She's smiling now and cooing, kicking and grabbing things (especially my hair or the front of my shirt). I don't have the time I used to with Bethany to enjoy things with Audrey. I have 2, to manage, I have a household to maintain and sometimes, just sometimes I'd like to sit down too! Seeing the videos and looking at the photos is a good reminder to slow down and appreciate the moments. They go so fast!
Anyways, this "short" post is a little longer than intended. So I'll quit rambling and you can click play...
Audrey and Bethany Singing from Ashley Stone on Vimeo.

I can't get this photo to turn but I LOVE it!

1 comment:
Beautiful girls!!! They are the best! Hugs to you all. Hey the pictures are great. You are getting a real handle on your camera and programs! Good job!
Happy Easter... Love you all...
Mom / Grammy
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